Physical Therapy - Jacksonville, Florida

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Is Physical Therapy Affordable? Answered by JAX PT

Physical therapy is not only affordable, it can save you money.

Affording physical therapy just depends on how much you want your body to work for you. If you treat your body well, your body will treat you well.

At the end of the day, you may have to put in a little bit of money towards physical therapy, but if you're putting in money now, think of all the benefits that you will have on the back-end.

You will decrease the amount of time spent in the hospital and time spent going to doctor's visits. That alone has value.

Also you'll decrease the amount of money put into imaging, into medications, into bracing, into other treatment sessions.

When you come to Body Mechanics Physical Therapy, we look at you from a holistic point of view.

We discuss your goals, your aspirations, and if you have challenges or concerns of where your mental state is after an injury. Because let's face it. When you get injured, you can get scared.

When you come into a place that understands that, we don’t simply just treat the injury, we treat you holistically. We know how to guide you out of any darkness or scariness that may be associated from your injury. With the right mindset, you're able to better heal your body. You're able to better move your body and then you can get to where you're going, whether that’s back to work or back on the field.

Don’t leave your recovery to chance, schedule a free consultation to learn your options.

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