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The Power of Progress Over Perfection

In today's fast-paced and connected world, we are often bombarded with messages about how to be perfect in almost every aspect of our lives. This obsession with perfection can be seen everywhere, and even when people are showing their “true selves” not being perfect, they are in fact actually striving for a perfect way to look not perfect.

As a human being, it's easy to get caught up in the pursuit of perfection, especially when it comes to your looks, how you speak, your health, your wealth, your job, your family, your house, and the list goes on. But this pursuit of perfection can lead to delays, missed opportunities, and even the not-so-good kind of failure.

So why should you shift your focus to progress over perfection? Let’s explore why:

  1. Progress is more important than perfection.

When it comes to running a business, reaching a goal, improving your physical health, or anything else for that matter, progress is much more important than perfection. While perfection may be a worthy goal, it's not always achievable or necessary. In fact, striving for perfection can often hinder progress and prevent you from taking action.

By focusing on progress, you can make steady improvements to your business, your lifestyle, and your daily habits. This approach allows you to learn from your mistakes and make adjustments along the way, rather than waiting for everything to be perfect before taking action.

2. Progress keeps you motivated.

Where does motivation come from? It can be intrinsic (your own self feeling/worth) or extrinsic (satisfaction or reward from someone or something else). But motivation is not striving to be perfect, it is the actual will and want to do something. Perfectionism can be demotivating, as it can lead to feelings of frustration, disappointment, and even burnout. When you turn your focus on progress, it can help you stay motivated and engaged in the task or tasks you are trying to accomplish. 

When you focus on progress, you can celebrate small wins along the way. This helps you stay motivated and keeps you moving forward, even when things get tough. Small steps lead to large strides and even bigger gains. So stop trying to make it perfect and just put it out there, send off the resume, write the book, make the meal, do the workout, try the skill. It’s not going to be perfect your first go, but that’s what helps you make it better the second time around.

3. Progress helps you adapt to change.

In today's world, change is constant. Whether it's a new technology, change in your job, change in your family or home life, you need to be able to adapt quickly and efficiently to stay on top of things and let’s face it, in or to stay sane!

By focusing on progress, you can be more agile and adaptable in the face of change. Rather than being stuck in the pursuit of perfection, you can make small adjustments and pivot your strategy as needed. It is much easier to change small things within your daily habits than it is to change big things all at once.

Progress over perfection is a powerful mindset for our daily lives in whatever realm you apply it to. By focusing on progress, you can make steady improvements to your daily life, stay motivated, adapt to change, and step outside of your comfort zone because you know the risks. So, the next time you find yourself getting caught up in the pursuit of perfection, remember that progress is what really matters. Progress over perfection, and take those small steps to make big strides!

What are ways that you have focused on progress over perfection? Leave it in the comments below and share this blog with your friends and family!