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Top 3 Tips For Staying Active During The Holidays


Holidays are a time for family, friends, travel, imbibing, eating, and enjoying the comfort of the couch or your favorite chair! Holidays are also a time where we feel a little more sluggish, restless, tired, irritated, run-down, or generally not like our typical selves. This usually is the case because we are out of our normal routine, we have been traveling among a bunch of people that may or may not be sick (#germs…yuck!), we are eating and drinking differently, and maybe the holiday hustle and bustle has gotten us down. THAT’S OKAY!

You can fix it, you can feel better, stay on track with your health and movement goals, AND still enjoy yourself this Holiday season (remember it’s just a few days, not your entire year!) Follow along with these 3 tips, and you will feel less restless and more like yourself throughout the Holidays:


Whether you are traveling out of state, staying home, or just going to a neighbors or friends for the holidays, be prepared. Preparation includes having a plan for how to stay active, and how to set yourself up for success and feel good come the New Year!

  • Pack clothes that you can move and exercise in: workout gear, walking/running shoes, and warm or cold weather items so you can’t give yourself excuses.

  • Scope out the area you will be in: Do they have parks you can jog at or do body weight/plyometrics exercises? Is there a gym nearby you can drop in at? Is there an area of the house or place you are staying to get in a quick workout before everyone is awake or while they are sleeping?

  • Bring resistance bands or ask your host if they have any exercise equipment. If not, you can do a body weight workout routine, (see below for a quick workout).

  • Find a workout or three, and have them saved in your phone or on YouTube. That way you won’t get distracted or discouraged trying to look for one while you’re already ready to go!


Holidays are supposed to be a time for enjoying each others company, seeing those you may have not seen in quite a while, a time to be thankful and forgiving. BUT we all know, that isn’t always the case, and that doesn’t always happen. Being positive, especially during the holidays, not only with yourself, but with others, will help you to really enjoy where you are, and not just “trying to make it through”.

  • Your mind needs to stay positive and active during the holiday, just as much as your body does. Try meditating in the morning or at night when the house is quiet. Read a book that you’ve been wanting to check out ALL YEAR but haven’t had the time. Do a puzzle or game with the kids (bonus points if it tires them out!)

  • Give positivity, get positivity: Give compliments on the decorations, the food, someone’s outfit, their hair, pretty much anything. Watch them smile, and then pay attention to how that makes you feel!

  • Positive self talk: it’s ok to have grandma’s famous snickerdoodle cookies, because really, how often do you have them (my guess is once a year). Instead, ask grandma to tell you how she made them while you eat one, use it as a connection point, not a guilt factor (but save some for Santa, you don’t need the whole tray!)


Don’t give yourself the excuse that there isn’t anytime to workout during the holidays, THERE IS ALWAYS TIME. There probably is more time now than during your regular work week. Here are some of the best times to workout, and you don’t even have to schedule it!

  • Set an alarm and wake up before everyone else in the house does. It will be quiet and you can concentrate and focus: you can meditate, you can go for a walk, take the dog outside, or do a quick HIIT routine like the one below. Think quality over quantity.

  • While everyone is napping in the middle of the day, work through that lull, put your workout clothes on, and get out there! (Wherever out there may be).

  • After a meal; this is a great time to go for a little walk, help the food digest, get the blood flowing. Take someone with you, maybe they need some help digesting as well!

  • Before bed; as everyone is winding down from the excitement of the day, you’re getting one last burst of energy in. This is even a great time to do some yoga or deep stretching to help you sleep better and have a restful night.

I know the holidays can feel and seem challenging, but if you come at your travel with a plan, and stick with it, you are sure to have success and feel great when you get back on the plane, or in the car, or walk back home. Holidays are important for our minds and bodies to take a break, we are almost forced to slow down, and enjoy. So don’t feel guilty about sleeping in an extra hour, or eating grandma’s snickerdoodle cookies, IT’S OKAY!

Enjoy your family, friends, and yourself. Happy Holidays everyone!

What are your go-to activities and tips for the holidays? Comment and Share below!

Quick Body Weight Workouts:

10 Minute Cardio

10 Minute Advanced Workout

8 Body Weight Strength Exercises

*The above exercises may not be safe for everyone. If you have injuries or pain please consult your Doctor, and make sure you are cleared to do such exercises by your Physical Therapist*